Development of a model-based valuation method to improve operational tool supply

Theme Tool- and Mold-Making
Project title Development of a model-based valuation method to improve operational tool supply (SFB 489 T13)
Project duration 01.04.2013 – 31.12.2014
Project website
Forging companies are often suppliers to the automotive industry, which has particularly high demands on the logistics performance (quantity and timeliness) of their suppliers, due to the implemented principles of Just-In-Time production. Moreover, the cost pressure in this industry is very high, so forging companies are striving to minimize their logistics costs. One of the factors influencing these logistics costs is the amount of tools in a company’s tool inventory. Since the tooling costs have a high percentage of the product costs, strategic positioning between logistics performance and costs in the forging industry holds great potential. A mathematical model to describe the relationship between the number of tools and the resulting tool appropriation delay was developed at IPH.

Publications about the project

Compliance with punctual delivery under the high pressure of costs can be implemented in the forge industry through the optimization of the in-house tool supply. Within the Transfer Project 13 of the Special Research Department 489, a mathematical model was developed which determines the minimum inventory of forging tools required for the production, considering the tool appropriation delay.

production planning and -steering, production management, tool inventory reduction, servicelevel, fo

Forging companies are often suppliers of the automotive industry, which has, by the implemented principles of Just-In-Time production, particularly high demands on the logistics performance of their suppliers. Moreover, the cost pressure in this industry is very high, so forging companies are striving to minimize their logistics costs. One of the factors influencing these logistics costs is the amount tools in a company’s tool inventory. Since the tooling costs have a high percentage of the product costs, strategic positioning between logistics performance and costs in the forging industry holds great potential. However, while a too low number of tools may cause delays in production and more frequent setting-ups caused by division of production lots and a concomitant increase of setting-up times of up to 30%, a possible consequence of too high tool inventories is the increase of process uncertainty by a prolonged and more stray tool circuit pass-through time. A structured approach to the positioning of the tool supply between logistics performance and costs is presented.

production planning and -steering, production management, tool inventory reduction, servicelevel, fo

There is a high potential for optimization in positioning a forging company’s tool supply between logistic costs and performance. Based on a model, which was developed for the improvement of the internal tool supply in the transfer project T13 of the CRC 489, a controlling instrument has been deduced to relate the weighted service level and the stock of the tool supply cycle.

production planning and -steering, production management, tool inventory reduction, servicelevel, fo


The project no. 234485305 received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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