The practical seminar on bulk metal forming provides a general insight into forming technology – and bulk metal forming and FEM simulation in particular. The target group of the one- to three-day workshop includes young professionals in the forging industry and sales staff in mechanical engineering companies.
The seminar offers an optimal mixture of theory and practice, covering the fundamentals of bulk metal forming, the pros and cons of various forming machines as well as the Finite Element Method (FEM) and its practical application. The workshop content also includes an introduction into various simulation programmes, such as Forge NxT or Simufact. In the practical part, the participants will carry out their own FEM simulations and attend forging experiments.
To guarantee utmost individual support, the number of participants is limited to six persons maximum. Single trainings will be offered on request.
Modular seminar programme
The content of the practical seminar on bulk metal forming is adaptable to the experiences and needs of the participants. The four modules mentioned below can be composed individually. Depending on the content provided, the seminar will last between one and three days.
- Fundamentals of bulk metal forming
- Overview of different forming machines
- Application examples
- Trends in bulk metal forming (material efficiency, energy efficiency, lightweight construction)
- Basics of Finite Element Method (FEM)
- General structure of FEM software (preprocessor, solver, postprocessor)
- Relevant parameters for effective simulations
- Comparison of simulation and reality
- Simulation of different processes, such as die forging, multi-directional forging, cross wedge rolling, ring rolling, hydroforming
- Representation of the overall process chain by linked simulations – from heating up the semi-finished billet to the finished component
- Influence of process parameters on the simulation result
- Practical application of simulation software
- Comparison of various programmes, e.g. Forge NxT, LS-DYNA, Simufact or AnsysMechanical, with example simulations
- Brief outlook: use of FEM simulations outside forming technology
- Description of preliminary work
- Attendance of practical forming experiments, e.g. cross wedge rolling, die forging or hydroforming
- Description of methods to evaluate forging experiments
Workshops tailored to your specific requirements
You are interested in learning more about bulk metal forming? Please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be glad to compose your individual seminar – tailored to your specific needs.