Theme | Factory planning |
Project title | Development of a method for the optimal planning of the relocation of factory objects in the course of the realisation of a new factory layout (OptiFaU) |
Project duration | 01.01.2021 – 31.03.2023 |
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In the context of planning new factories or restructuring existing ones, companies inevitably reach the point where they need to realise the planned factory structure in the form of a target layout. In this phase, the focus is primarily on the relocation of factory objects (e.g. machines, workplaces, etc.), which can be characterised as complex and time-consuming, particularly due to the spatial dimensions and time sequences involved.
In how many steps can the relocation be realised? Is an interruption of production to be expected? Will external know-how have to be called in to realise the move? The clarification of these questions requires a detailed temporal and spatial planning of the individual relocation steps. However, methodological support for this planning task does not yet exist.
The aim of the research project is to develop a procedure for the methodical design of an optimal relocation plan with regard to relevant target criteria (e.g. low downtime costs, low realisation time, etc.), taking into account temporal and spatial restrictions. In addition to the selection of a suitable relocation strategy, the number and temporal arrangement of potential relocation steps should also be the result of the method. A more efficient implementation of planned layout concepts represents the central added value for companies.
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Publications about the project
The article addresses a method for generating project schedules for factory relocations based on a planned layout concept in reorganisation projects. The layout is modelled in a cell grid with cells of uniform edge length. The factory objects are arranged in this grid for both the actual and the target layout state. Further input parameters relate to the required time and personnel resources according to several operations. A two-stage optimisation algorithm is presented, which first checks a given solution for layout feasibility and then generates and solves a project scheduling problem on this basis. Accordingly, elements of the facility layout problem are integrated into a resource constrained project scheduling problem. The process steps of generating and evaluating of the project schedule are further embedded in a genetic algorithm, which successively improves the solution. The project schedules for relocation are evaluated through a combination of the resulting project duration and the downtimes of all factory objects. The aim of the optimisation is to minimise both objective values considering a weighting factor. The article concludes by validating the method using a practical example.
factory planning, relocation planning, reorganisation, project scheduling, project planning
The realization of a planned layout concept represents a complex subtask within factory planning. In particular, the temporal arrangement of the necessary relocation steps, taking into account existing restrictions, is usually carried out manually according to the current state of the art. Therefore, an easy-to-use method for planning a factory move for reorganization projects was developed in a research project, which can be applied by companies in a practical context.
factory planning, removal planning, project scheduling, optimization, operations research
The realization of reorganization projects represents a complex and independent planning task within the framework of factory layout planning. Only little methodical knowledge exists, which considers the temporal, spatial and organizational restrictions in the creation of a schedule. This paper aims to present the interdependencies in the planning and execution of realization projects and thus to provide a basis for discussion for further investigations in the field of scheduling factory relocations for the reorganization of factory objects.
factory planning, relocation planning, project planning, effect modeling
The reorganization of factory objects in the restructuring of existing factories is associated with numerous challenges. This article provides an overview of possible conflicting goals and key factors influencing the success of the project.
Factories are subject to continuous change. Ever shorter development cycles in the manufacture of different products lead to an increased need for restructuring of affected manufacturing structures. In the context of factory planning projects, the focus is on the design of the layout under the influence of individual framework conditions. The relocation steps necessary for realization are usually determined only after the layout design has been completed. However, the planning and preparation of the relocation represents an independent project task with regard to the objectives and complexity. Within the scope of the research project on the "Development of a Method for the Optimal Planning of the Relocation of Factory Objects in the Course of the Realization of a New Factory Layout" (OptiFaU), fundamental interrelationships in the planning and execution of factory relocations are investigated and discussed with regard to their significance for the success of the project. The aim of the project is to provide planning persons (e.g. relocation service providers or factory planners) with a possibility to evaluate relocation alternatives.
relocation planning, project planning, scheduling, factory planning, reorganization
The development of a method for the optimal planning of the relocation of factory objects is being addressed by the IPH - Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH within the framework of a research project. The design of a relocation plan, taking into account temporal and spatial restrictions, represents a complex planning problem. The method to be developed enables a comprehensive evaluation of a relocation plan with regard to different target criteria. The mathematical optimisation model is to be implemented with the help of a heuristic solution procedure. The intuitive implementation within a software environment further supports the easy applicability.
Factory Planning, Relocation, Project Scheduling, Preparation for Realisation, Operations Research