Theme | Forming technology |
Project title | Hybrid forging – one-stage forming of sheet and bulk metal parts (Hybridschmieden 2) |
Project duration | 01.11.2015 – 31.10.2016 |
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The aim of this investigation was to extend the basics developed in the research project "Hybridschmieden" (hybrid forging), where a one-stage process was engineered, consisting of two simultaneous manufacturing steps for a forged and a sheet metal part combined with a joining-operation of both parts. This innovative process enables a higher variety for the structural design of components. Thus for example areas of forged components, which are stressed with only light mechanical loads, can be substituted by sheet metal in order to reduce weight. Accordingly the strength of sheet metal components can be enhanced by partial integration of heavy-duty forged parts.
Publications about the project
Hybrid forging combines forming of bulky and sheet metal elements in one process step. During the forming of the bulky and sheet metal elements a joining operation is initiated by the energy provided by the forging operation. Thereby component areas with high loads can be designed using a bulky element whereas areas with lower loads can be designed using a sheet metal element. In consequence, significant weight reductions as well as energy savings within the forging process are achievable. The paper presents the development of a hybrid forging process, using a control arm as demonstration part. By the aid of Finite Element Analysis computations the interactions between the main process parameters and the target value process quality are being derived. It will be shown that the bulky element’s shape has a major impact on further process parameters and that the temperature is crucial for material bonding.
FEA, hybrid forging, bulge forming, sheet metal forming
In this paper the development of the new production technology hybrid forging is described. Hybrid forging combines forming of bulk and sheet metal-elements including joining. Using three model experiments the joining by material bond and by form closure is analyzed. The form closure works like a riveting and the experiments showed good results. But not in every area of the specimen a material bond was present.
hybrid, forging, sheet metal forming, joining technology, steel, adhesive bond
In this paper the development of the new production technology hybrid forging is described. Hybrid forging combines forming of bulk and sheet metal-elements including joining. Therefore the classification of hybrid party by material and by the type of the semi-finished product is discussed. In addition, the benefits of hybrid parts are explained. In experimental forging tests with simple geometries a cylindrical bulk part was joined positively with a sheet metal by form closure. A material bond was only partially achieved.
hybrid, forging, sheet metal forming, joining technology, steel, adhesive bond