Theme | Production planning |
Project title | Quality-oriented shop job scheduling (QualiBel) |
Project duration | 01.10.2014 – 30.09.2016 |
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- 18.01.2017
- IPH - Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover, Hollerithallee 6, 30419 Hannover; Konferenzraum
- 03.08.2016
- IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH, Hollerithallee 6, 30419 Hannover; Konferenzraum
- 25.02.2016
- IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH, Hollerithallee 6, 30419 Hannover; Konferenzraum
- 22.04.2015
- IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH, Hollerithallee 6, 30419 Hannover; Seminarraum
Publications about the project
In production, product-related error costs can be reduced by focusing on human production factors, such as considering human performance fluctuations during the day, when production planning with respect to job-shop scheduling. In this article, the flexible job-shop scheduling problem is extended by considering product-related error costs and logistic costs. Product-related error costs are increased by over stressing the operative workers. Logistic costs are based on work in process and throughput time. This cost-based definition enables a production plan to be simultaneously optimized in respect of both error and logistic costs. The product-related error costs and flexible job-shop scheduling problem are described mathematically and a memetic algorithm is also presented as an approach. Within the memetic algorithm, the evolutionary process is supplemented with a local search procedure to improve the ability of solutions and repair procedures to rectify infeasible solutions. The influence of product-related error costs on the total costs of a production plan within job-shop scheduling is presented.
flexible job shop scheduling, memetic algorithm, human perfor-mance fluctuation, error costs
One research topic of the Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover (IPH) is the avoidance of worker overload in production during job shop scheduling to eliminate production errors, improve product quality and reduce cost.
job shop scheduling, human performance curve, error costs
In production, product-based failure costs can be reduced by focusing the production factor „human“. Therefore, human performance fluctuations during the course of day have to be considered in the production planning and control. This paper presents an approach for quality-orientated flexible job shop scheduling, taking into account human performance fluctuations during the day.
production planning and control, performance curve, quality
By leveraging the production factor "human" it is possible by taking into account human performance fluctuations during the day to reduce product-related defect costs and increase quality. To this end, the integration of human performance variations in methods of production planning and control must be carried out. This article introduces a method by which a quality-oriented job shop schedule can be created, taking into account human performance fluctuations.
produktion planning, job shop scheduling, human performance fluctuation, optimization problem