The guest in this episode is Philipp Harder, project engineer at IPH. He is working together with the Institute for Statistics and Dynamics (ISD) at Leibniz University on the research project "Transdisciplinary End-of-Life Analysis of Wind Turbines for the Development of Techno-Economically Optimal After-Use Strategies" (TransWind). Of the approximately 30,000 wind turbines (WTGs) currently in operation in Germany, about half will reach the end of their service life in the next ten years, as either the service life has been reached or continued operation would be unprofitable.
The TransWind project aims to provide problem-specific decision support to different stakeholders from politics, the wind industry, and the resource and recycling sector in selecting an optimal after-use strategy.
The joint project TransWind is coordinated by the Institute for Statics and Dynamics (ISD) of Leibniz University Hannover.
Further information on "TransWind" can be found here.