Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Küster

Manager production automation
+49 (0)511 279 76-220

Doctoral thesis

Increasing quality requirements combined with high cost pressure make efficient quality management indispensable, especially for manufacturing companies. As part of quality management, complaints management ensures that complaints are received and processed and that the causes of defects are identified and eliminated. The 8D method is a tool for the profitable documentation and processing of complaints. Parallel to the execution of the 8D method, all steps performed are recorded in an 8D report. There are no objective internal inspection or control bodies that ensure the integrity and correctness of an 8D report.

Therefore, this thesis aims to support the verification of 8D-reports by an automated evaluation system. Thereby, 8D-reports should be evaluated both formally and in terms of content.

8D-Report, computational linguistics, quality assessment, complaints


Energy requirements of belt conveyor systems are essentially determined by the necessary drive power, which is composed of the main drive and intermediate drives. The use of driven support rollers reduces the load on the conventional drive at the head of conveyor systems. Thus, the drive can be build smaller, which can lead to energy and cost savings. In contrast to conventional head drives, driven rollers enable the implementation of modular conveyor systems. The theoretical possibilities and consequences of driven rollers are promising. Due to a lack of knowledge regarding the economic efficiency and behavior under certain conditions, driven rollers have not yet been integrated into real operation. In order to investigate the behavior of driven rollers and to ensure the introduction into practice, test stands are indispensable. This paper presents the concept of driven rollers and, on this basis, the development of a test stand for investigating these rollers.

driven roller, test rig, belt conveyor, energy efficiency

An essential component of belt conveyor systems are the support idlers. Particularly in bulk material handling systems, which are used in demanding terrain with numerous gradients as well as under extreme environmental conditions in tropical and arctic regions, they are exposed to considerable stress. The steadily growing flow rates mean higher loads and speeds for the support idlers. This trend is countered by new drive concepts. For example, belt-driven conveyor systems with internally installed motors are used.

Within a research project, the IPH is developing a dual measuring system that can be used to test both conventional bearing rollers and driven bearing rollers.

driven idlers, test rig, efficiency of conveying systems

In complaint management, 8D reports are used to document the analysis and elimination of errors. However, the quality of these reports is often insufficient and leads to longer processing times and the repetition of errors. The newly developed evaluation system QuSys enables an automated check of 8D reports.

complaints, quality, evaluation system, errors, 8D reports

Regarding the handling of complaints by customers, 8D reports are used for analysis and correction of errors that occur in the production process. However, the quality of these reports is often inadequate and leads to longer processing time and errors. Due to time and capacity restrictions in most cases, 8D reports undergo inadequate internal quality testing. Consequently, the aim of optimizing internal processing fails and poor 8D reports with insufficient solutions are sent to the customer. In this paper, we describe problems with faulty 8D reports in detail, and then present a system that automates quality checking of 8D reports based on these facts. This paper focusses on the basic structure of the developed system and how it improves the quality level of 8D reports within the complaint handling process.

complaint, quality management, 8D method, 8D report

8D-reports are used to analyze and eliminate errors. Often the quality of 8D-reports is poor and leads to long processing times and problems in sustainable trouble shooting. An automated evaluation system helps to identify quality problems. It prevents companies from sending poor 8D-reports to their customers.

quality management, complaint handling, 8D-report, quality evaluation, evaluation method

In this presentation the research project "Quality system for the evaluation of 8D report contents (QuSys)" was introduced. The objectives of the research project are the effective organization of complaint management and the internal fault management due to an automated quality evaluation of 8D reports. The evaluation allows to take well-directed measures and prevents that faulty 8D reports are sent to the customer.

claims management, reports, quality evaluation

The complaint handling suffers from defective 8D-reports. Hence the costumer supplier relationship is also affected. A system for the formal and substantive evaluation of 8D-reports will be developed in a research project. The aim is to improve the complaint processing due to high quality 8D-reports.

8d-method, 8d-report, claims management, complaint, quality management

Research projects