- Forming technology, Process design, Factory planning, Automation Process development for the efficient production of an intelligent compact brake unit for railed vehicles (Kompaktbremseinheit) 04/2017 – 03/2019 | EU_EFRE
- Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence Real-time-capable camera-based ergonomics assessment and development of measures for the assembly process (WorkCam) 04/2017 – 09/2019 | IGF/GBO
- Forming technology Hybrid compound forging as joining process for aluminum bulk parts and steel sheets (Verbundhybridschmieden) 03/2017 – 09/2019 | DFG
- Automation, Automated guided vehicles Case-based expert system for automated reaction in freely navigating automated guided vehicle systems (FTS-Expert) 02/2017 – 12/2019 | IGF/BVL
- Industry 4.0, Factory planning Development of an automated 3D-layout-acquisition technology to facilitate factory planning processes (Instant Factory Maps) 01/2017 – 08/2019 | IGF/GBO
- Ecology, Production planning Development of an eco-logistical model to enable SMEs to influence ecology and logistics performance (ÖkologWi) 01/2017 – 06/2019 | IGF/GBO
- Industry 4.0 Knowledge Alliance for Upskilling Europe's SMEs to meet the challenges of Smart Engineering (SMeART) 01/2017 – 12/2019 | EU: Erasmus+
- Industry 4.0 Practical characterization of the running behavior of driven and conventional bearing idlers for (bulk) conveying systems (EiLaT) 10/2016 – 12/2020 | IGF/GBO
- Industry 4.0, XXL products Condition monitoring of marine gearboxes based on wireless, energy-autonomous sensor nodes (CoMoGear) 08/2016 – 06/2019 | BMWK: Maritime Technologien
- Industry 4.0 Forecasting model for the prognosis of short and medium-term sales by search engine data (ProSuma) 06/2016 – 05/2018 | DFG
- Production planning, Ecology Use of stock levels as energy storage solution (LagBEnS) 03/2016 – 02/2018 | IGF/IUTA
- Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 Competence Center Hanover ("Mit uns digital!") 01/2016 – 05/2021 | BMWK: Mittelstand-Digital
- XXL products, Ecology Model based development of disassembly network design for large-scale products (DemoNetXXL) 01/2016 – 12/2017 | DFG
- Industry 4.0 Development of a maturity model to improve industry 4.0 competences in production and logistics using the example of interactive assistance systems (4.0-Ready) 12/2015 – 01/2018 | IGF/BVL
- Forming technology Hybrid forging – one-stage forming of sheet and bulk metal parts (Hybridschmieden 2) 11/2015 – 10/2016 | DFG
- Artificial Intelligence Rail Transport Mobility Optimization – Upgrade (RTMO Erweiterung) 10/2015 – 10/2016 | FFG
- Industry 4.0, Additive Manufacturing Economical use of 3D printers with operator models under consideration of the perspectives of providing and applying companies (Betreiber3D) 09/2015 – 02/2017 | IGF/GBO
- Tool- and Mold-Making, Forming technology Batch size optimized use of tools in hot bulk forming (LöWe) 09/2015 – 08/2017 | IGF/GBO
- Forming technology, Process monitoring Incremental forming of hybrid parts using cross-wedge rolling (SFB 1153 – Teilprojekt B1 – Querkeilwalzen) 07/2015 – 06/2027 | DFG
- Factory planning, Artificial Intelligence Quantitative multidimensional ad hoc factory evaluation by mathematical modeling of factory planning relevant characteristics (QuaMFaB) 05/2015 – 03/2017 | IGF/BVL